Make connections directly with company decision-makers. It is possible. Read on…

We have refined our next program, which is so targeted, that you will receive connections, directly to the decision makers in your field, via LinkedIn.

We have worked with clients in many different fields with great success, including construction, IT, energy, cybersecurity, finance, food science, and more. We would like to share this program and start generating leads for your company.



We have refined our next program, which is so targeted, that you will receive connections, directly to the decision-makers in your field.

Using LinkedIn, we have worked with clients in many different fields with great success, especially suppliers to the resource and construction sectors, and we would like to share this program with your company.


  • Qualified prospect connect directly with you
  • Increase your ROI
  • Very little of your time is required
  • Process is managed by Content2Convert staff
  • Monthly fee includes campaign setup costs